Welcome families....the year is off to a fantastic start! I wanted to let all of you know what we will be working on for the next couple of weeks, and some things we will go over the whole year.
First I want to introduce to you to our year long reading unit: Genre Studies for 2nd Grade! Every month the students will learn about a new book genre and have accompanying writing assignments and reading experiences. The first month of August we simply discuss what the genre of fiction entails, and the "ingredients" that all fiction will have. This week we will start historical fiction, and read books from this genre.....watch for updates!In centers we will be working on letter, word, and sentence skills.
In the boggle center students learn how to spell words....creatively!
In the "word builder" center students again are challenged with spelling words, this time using unifix cubes. In a couple weeks these will change into word tiles that link to create sentences. An added extra in this center is for students that may want to add math. Each letter from every word made/written gets 1 point, i.e. dart = 4 points. This really gets them motivated to seek out larger words...I see some real doozies!
The "ABC Sort" center challenges students to draw 5-8 word cards and alphabetize them. Soon the minimum will be 10 words!
At the listening center we will be listening to stories that follow our genre unit. The story will be listened to and read several times as students fill out a story map that ID's fictional aspects in the story, i.e. characters, problem, solution, setting.
And finally, we always have a library, or "read to self" center. Students always have 3 books in their book box and are encouraged to check books out for home. Students are allowed to have 1 book out at a time, there is no time limit on returning it, but they cannot take another one until it is returned.
I will keep you updated on our classroom happenings so make sure to subscribe:)
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